0 yorum1.: Mano NEGRA
2.: Magic Dice
3.: County Line
4.: Don't Want You No More
5.: Lonesome Bop
6.: Mano Negra
7.: Rock Island Line
8.: King Kong Five
9.: Mad Mans Dead
10.: Bring The Fire
11.: Indios De Barcelona
12.: El Sur
13.: Killing Rats
14.: Mano Negra
15.: Sidi H Bibi
16.: Rebel Spell
17.: I Fought The Law
18.: Mano Negra
19.: Darling Darling
20.: Patchuko Hop
21.: Mala Vida
22.: Junky Beat
23.: Madeline
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 10:06
Etiketler: Mano Negra - IN THE HELL OF PATCHINKO
Mano Negra - Casa Babylon (1984)
0 yorum1. "Viva Zapata"
2. "Casa Babylon"
3. "The Monkey"
4. "Señor Matanza"
5. "Santa Maradona"
6. "Super Chango"
7. "Bala Perdida"
8. "Machine Gun"
9. "El Alakran"
10. "Mama Perfecta"
11. "Love And Hate"
12. "Drives Me Crazy"
13. "Hamburger Fields"
14. "La Vida"
15. "Sueño De Solentiname"
16. "This Is My World"
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 10:04
Etiketler: Mano Negra - Casa Babylon
Manu Chao Albümleri
0 yorumÖyle müzikler vardır ki; sizi nerede olursanız olun çok uzaklara götürebilir... Anlatılmayacak şeyler bunlar. Ya da ben anlatmayı beceremiycem. İşte kimi müzikler vardır sizi o anda olmadığınız kadar özgür hissettirebilir; sizi bulunduğunuz ortamdan soyutlayıp hayal ettiğiniz yerlere götürebilir.
Manu Chao'nun müziği öyle birşey.
Beni alıp buralardan ta ispanyaya oradan cezayire, oradan latin amerikaya, oradan buradaki daha önce hiç görmediğim ama hep yanından geçtiğim yol kenarlarına, insanların arasına götürüyo. O yüzden hazırlıyorum bu sayfayı...
Bir de hep aklımda bana bu müziği ilk kez dinlememe neden olan arkadaşım Ertan var...
Hani küçükken İbrahim Tatlıses'i bi anda çok seversiniz de alırsınız tek kasetli teyipi çıkarsınız balkona, açarsınız son ses bangır bangır gülüm benim çalarken yüreğiniz pır pır edip büyük bir mutluluk hissedersiniz mahalle de bunu duyduğu için...
"Ertan yaşımız 3 le başlasa da artık bişey değişmeyecek, biz hep aynı kalacaz..."
İiyimi, kötü mü bilmem...
Bu müzikten kimse mahrum kalmamalı...
Joint de Culasse, Hot Pants, Carayos topluluklarında şarkı söyledi, son olarak 1986'da kuzeni ve kardeşiyle Mano Negra topluluğunu kurdu. Topluluk, Patchanka, Puta's Fever, Amerika Perdida, The King Of The Bongo, The Hell Of Patchinko, Casa Babylon ve Best of albümlerini çıkarttı. Manu Chao ayrıca solo bir albüm olan Clandestino ile 3 milyon dinleyiciye ulaştı. Mano Negra topluluğu 2004'te Madrid’de çalışmaktaydı. Bir konserinde Fenerbahçe forması giyerek zengin oturmuş sınıf takımlarına karşı gelişmemiş ülkelerin takımlarına destek vermiştir.
Kaynak: Wikipedia
- Clandestino
- Próxima Estación: Esperanza
- Radio Bemba Sound System (2002)
- Sibérie m'était contéee
- La Radiolina
- Patchanka
- Puta's Fever
- King of Bongo
- Amerika Perdida
- In The Hell Of Patchinko
- Casa Babylon
- Bande Originale Du Livre
- Mano Negra Illegal
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 03:19
Etiketler: Manu Chao Discografi
Manu Chao Discografía
0 yorumJose-Manuel Thomas Arthur Chao, más conocido como Manu Chao (a veces aparece como Oscar Tramor) es un cantautor nacido el 21 de junio de 1961 en París, Francia, de padres españoles.
Manu Chao es hijo del periodista Ramón Chao, gallego de Villalba (Lugo) y de madre vasca de Bilbao y hermano de Bernardo Fernández Chao con el cual recorrió gran parte del mundo. Junto a él realizó la famosa canción ¨Primavera¨ esta letra esta basada en una experiencia en la cual les interesaba saber que hora era en diferentes países. También escribieron ¨Mr. Bobby¨ en homenaje a The King, El Rey, Bob Marley. Sus padres emigraron a Francia durante la dictadura de Francisco Franco. Manu y sus hermanos crecieron en Sèvres, al oeste de París.
A los 14 años tuvo su primer grupo, llamado Joint de Culasse, con su hermano Tonio del Borneo, y su primo Santi Cassariego. Más tarde llegaron los Hot Pants y Los Carayos, con los que se aproximaba ya mucho a la música festiva y la pachanga. Estos grupos llegaron a ser muy conocidos en París dentro de la música alternativa. En 1987 Manu, su hermano y su primo fundaron el grupo Mano Negra, que triunfó primero en Francia con el single "Mala vida" y después tuvieron giras por Sudamérica. Tras una larga temporada en el grupo (del 1987 al 1994), comienza su carrera en solitario.
Chao es políglota, pero canta, principalmente, en español, francés e inglés, cambiando de idioma a menudo en la misma canción. Aunque es uno de los artistas que mas vende en el mundo, es relativamente poco conocido en los países de habla inglesa.
Su música tiene muchas influencias: rock, chanson francesa, salsa, reggae, ska y raï argelino. Recibió estas influencias de inmigrantes en Francia, de sus relaciones ibéricas, de sus recorridos en América con Mano Negra y vagando tras la disolución del grupo. Muchas de las canciones de Chao son sobre el amor, la vida en los guetos y la inmigración, y llevan a menudo un mensaje de izquierda y libertario.[1]
Ha estado comprometido desde hace tiempo con el entorno nacionalista vasco. Fue especialmente en la época de Mano Negra cuando participó en varias giras musicales junto al conjunto vasco Negu Gorriak. Después han sido varias las colaboraciones que ha realizado en diversas canciones junto a Fermín Muguruza haciendo junto a él la gira Jai Alai Katumbi Express por Europa.
Por otra parte, se solidarizó con la causa zapatista y el EZLN y ha incluido fragmentos de los discursos del Subcomandante Marcos en sus canciones. También se ha solidarizado con la causa de los okupas de Barcelona.
Su estilo personal ha influido en grupos como Amparanoia, y otros muchos.
En 2004 publicó un disco-libro (Sibérie m'était contée), en francés, con ilustraciones del dibujante polaco Wozniak.
El 3 de septiembre de 2007, salió a la venta su nuevo CD («La Radiolina») y un día después en vinilo.
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 09:00
Etiketler: Manu Chao Discografía
Manu Chao - Radio Bemba Sound System
0 yorum- "Intro" – 00:50
- "Bienvenida a Tijuana" – 01:55
- "Machine Gun" – 02:13
- "Por Donde Saldra el Sol?" – 02:41
- "Peligro" – 03:09
- "Welcome to Tijuana" – 02:50
- "El Viento" – 02:41
- "Casa Babylon" – 02:34
- "Por el Suelo" – 03:55
- "Blood and Fire" – 02:35
- "EZLN... Para Tod@s Todo..." – 01:41
- "Mr Bobby" – 03:36
- "Bongo Bong" – 01:05
- "Radio Bemba" – 00:20
- "Que Paso Que Paso" – 00:54
- "Pinocchio (Viaggio In Groppa Al Tonno)" – 00:45
- "Cahi en la Trampa" – 02:10
- "Clandestino" – 02:59
- "Rumba de Barcelona" – 03:31
- "La Despedida" – 04:02
- "Mala Vida" – 02:26
- "Radio Bemba" – 00:34
- "Que Paso Que Paso" – 01:10
- "Pinocchio (Viaggio In Groppa Al Tonno)" – 00:45
- "La Primavera" – 03:32
- "The Monkey" – 01:59
- "King Kong Five" – 02:44
- "Minha Galera" – 03:17
- "Promiscuity" – 01:44
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 04:27
Etiketler: Manu Chao-Radio Bemba Sound System
Manu Chao - La Radiolina
0 yorum- "13 Días"
- "Tristeza Maleza"
- "Politik Kills"
- "Rainin In Paradize (Scheps version)"
- "Besoin de la Lune"
- "El Kitapena"
- "Me Llaman Calle"
- "A Cosa"
- "The Bleedin Clown (Scheps version)"
- "Mundorévès"
- "El Hoyo"
- "La Vida Tómbola"
- "Mala Fama"
- "Panik Panik"
- "Otro Mundo"
- "Piccola Radiolina"
- "Y Ahora Qué?"
- "Mama Cuchara"
- "Siberia"
- "Soñe Otro Mundo"
- "Amalucada Vida"
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 04:20
Etiketler: Manu Chao-La Radiolina
Manu Chao - Sibérie m'était contéee
0 yorum
1. "Le P'tit jardin"
2. "Petite blonde du boulevard Brune"
3. "La valse à sale temps"
4. "Les mille paillettes"
5. "Il faut manger"
6. "Helno est mort"
7. "J'ai besoin de la lune"
8. "L'automne est las"
9. "Si loin de toi, je te joue"
10. "100.000 remords"
11. "Trop tot, trop tard"
12. "Te tromper"
13. "Madame banquise"
14. "Les Rues de l'Hiver"
15. "Sibérie fleuve amour"
16. "Les petites planètes"
17. "Te souviens tu..."
18. "J'ai besoin de la lune remix"
19. "Dans mon jardin"
20. "Merci bonsoir..."
21. "Je suis fou de toi"
22. "Les yeux turquoises"
23. "Sibérie"
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 04:17
Etiketler: Manu Chao-Sibérie m'était contéee
Próxima Estación: Esperanza
0 yorum
1. "Merry Blues"
2. "Bixo"
3. "El Dorado 1997"
4. "Promiscuity"
5. "La Primavera"
6. "Me Gustas Tú"
7. "Denia"
8. "Mi Vida"
9. "Trapped by Love"
10. "Le Rendez Vous"
11. "Mr. Bobby"
12. "Papito"
13. "La Chinita"
14. "La Marea"
15. "Homens"
16. "La Vacaloca"
17. "Infinita Tristeza"
If you want them just write a comment including your mail adress...
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 04:11
Etiketler: Manu Chao-Próxima Estación: Esperanza
Clandestino - El Viento
0 yorumEl Viento
el viento viene
el viento se va
por la frontera
el viento viene
el viento se va
el hambre viene
el hombre se va
sin mas razon
el hambre viene
el hombre se va
ruta babylon
por la carretera
por la carretera
la suerte viene
la suerte se va
por la frontera
la suerte viene
la suerte se va
el hambre viene
el hombre se va
sin mas razon
el hambre viene
el hombre se va
cuando volvera
por la carretera
por la carretera
por la carretera
The Wind
The wind just comes
The wind just goes
Across the frontier
The wind just comes
The wind just goes
Hunger comes
The man he goes
with no other reason
Hunger comes
The man, he goes
Direction Babylon
Along the highway
Along the highway
Good fortune comes
Good fortune goes
Across the frontier
Good fortune comes
Good fortune goes
The hunger comes
The man, he goes
with no other reason
Hunger comes
The man, he goes
When will he return
Along the highway
Along the highway
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 03:08
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - La Despedida
0 yorumLa Despedida
Ya estoy curado, anestesiado
ya me he olvidado de ti
Hoy me despido
de tú ausencia
ya estoy en paz...
Ya no te espero
ya no te llamo
ya no me engano
Hoy te he borrado
de mi paciencia
Hoy fui capaz...
Desde aquel día
en que te fuiste
yo no sabía
que hacer de ti
Ya están domados
mis sentimientos
mejor así...
Hoy me he burlado
de la tristeza
Hoy me he librado
de tu recuerdo
Ya no te extrano
ya me he arrancado
ya estoy en paz...
Ya estoy curado, anestesiado
ya me he olvidado
Ya estoy curado, anestesiado
ya me he olvidado
Te espero siempre mi amor
cada hora, cada día
Te espero siempre mi amor
cada minuto que yo viva
Te espero siempre mi amor
Sé que un día llegarás
Te espero siempre mi amor
-( cada hora, cada día )
Te espero siempre mi amor
- ( cada minuto que yo viva )
Te espero siempre mi amor
- (no me olvido y te quiero )
Te espero siempre mi amor
- ( Sé que un día llegarás )
Te espero siempre mi amor
- ( Sé que un día volverás )
Answering machine:
Hola Manu .......?.........
nada... solo para saber
si todo va bien...
nada...un beso muy fuerte
Hola Manu, soy Juanjo
Manu? Manu? Manu?
Bueno,pues mira,
no contestas, te mando un fax.
!Hasta luego!
The Farewell
I'm already cured, anesthetized
I've already forgotten you
Today I say good-bye
to your absence
I am at peace...
I'm not waiting for you anymore
I don't call you anymore
I don't deceive myself anymore
Today I erased you
from my patience
Today I was able to...
Since that day
when you left
I didn't know
what to do with you
Yet are tamed
my feelings
It's better this way...
Today I made fun
of sadness
Today I got rid of
the memory of you
I don't miss you anymore
Yet I tore off
I'm already in peace...
I'm already cured, anesthetized
I've already forgotten
I'm already cured, anesthetized
I've already forgotten
I'll be always waiting for you my love
every hour, every day
I'll be always waiting for you my love
every minute that I live
I'll be always waiting for you my love
I know that one day you'll come back
I'll be always waiting for you my love
- ( every hour, every day )
I'll be always waiting for you my love
- ( every minute that I live )
I'll be always waiting for you my love
- ( don't forget me and I love you )
I'll be always waiting for you my love
- ( I know that one day you'll come back)
I'll be always waiting for you my love
- ( I know that one day you'll return )
Answering machine:
Hi Manu .......?.........
nothing...just wanted to know
if everything is alright...
nothing...a big kiss
Hi Manu, it's me, Juanjo
Manu? Manu? Manu?
Ok, well then
You're not answering,I'll send you a fax.
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 03:03
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Minha Galera
0 yorumMinha Galera
o minha maconha
minha torcida
minha querida
minha galera
o minha cachoeira
minha menina
minha flamenga
minha capoeira
o minha mi nina
minha querida
minha Valeria...
o minha maloca
minha larica
minha cachaça
minha cadeia
minha vagabunda
o minha vida
minha membembe
minha ladeira
o minha menina
minha querida
minha Valeria
o minha torcida
minha flamenga
minha cadeia
o minha maconha
minha torcida
minha querida
minha galera
minha vagabunda
minha mambembe
minha beleza
minha capoeira
o minha menina
minha querida
minha Valeria...
minha torcida
minha flamenga
minha cadeia
o minha maconha
minha torcida
minha querida
minha galera...
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 02:52
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - La Vie à Deux
0 yorumdonnes me de quoi tenir tenir
je ne veux pas dormir dormir
laisses moi voir venir le jour...
notre vie à deux s'arrête donc là
dans les grandes plainmes des peines à jouir
d'une vie qui ne veut plus rien dire
j'espère ne plus jamais faire souffrir quelqu'un
comme je t'ai fait souffrir...
je n'étais qu'un mauvais presage
on s'est aime
puis vint l'orage
moi qui aimais tellement ton sourire...
j'espère ne plus jamais faire souffrir quelqu'un
comme je t'ai fait souffrir...
pourqoui pourquoi meme quand les gens s'aiment
il y a, il y a, toujours des problèmes?
fallait pas qu'on se connaisse
fallait pas qu'on soit deux
fallait pas se rencontrer et puis tomber amoureux
notre vie à deux s'arrête donc là
là où les dieux ne s'aventurent pas
moi qui aimais tellement ton sourire...
pourqoui pourquoi meme quand les gens s'aiment
il y a, il y a, toujours des problèmes?
moi qui aimais tellement ton sourire
je n'entends plus que tes soupirs
j'espère ne plus jamais faire souffrir quelqu'un
comme je t'ai fait souffrir...
moi qui aimais tellement ton sourire
je n'entends plus que tes soupirs
donnes moi de quoi tenir tenir
je ne veux pas dormir dormir
laisses moi voir venir le jour...
il est minuit à tokyo
il est cinq heures au mali
quelle heure est-il au paradis?
La Vie à Deux
give me what I need to pull through
I don't want to sleep
Let me see the day come�
So our life together ends there
In the great plains of pain and joy
of a life which no longer has any meaning
I hope never again to make someone suffer
Like I made you suffer�
I was just a bad omen
we loved each other
then came the storm
I who loved your smile so much
I hope never again to make someone suffer
Like I made you suffer�
Why even when people love each other
Are there still problems?
It would have been better if we had never known each other,
it would have been better if we had never got together
better if we had never met and fallen in love
So our life together ends there
to the place where Gods dare not venture
I who loved your smile so much�
Why even when people love each other
Do problems still exist?
I loved your smile so much
and now all I hear are your sighs
I hope never again to make someone suffer
Like I made you suffer�
I who loved your smile so much
I hear no more than your sighs
Give me something to hold
I don't want to sleep
Let me see the day come�
It is midnight in Tokyo
It is five in Mali
What time is it in heaven?
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 02:47
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Malegria
0 yorumMalegria
por la calle del desengaño
esta mañana yo pase
con malegria otra vez
por la calle del desengaño
mi malegria emborrache
dentro un vasito de jerez
cuando tu me hablas
por la calle del desengaño
mañana paseare
con malegria otra vez
por la calle del desengaño
mi malegria ahogare
dentro un vasito de jerez
cuando tu me hablas...
aliviame, maria, aliviame
dame otro beso de jerez
mañana te lo pagare
tu risa me da risa
tu calor me da valor
dame otro beso de licor
cuando tu me hablas...
through the street of disappointment
I walked this morning
with sadness, again
through the street of disappointment
my sadness got drunk
in a cup of sherry
when you talk to me...
through the street of disappointment
I'll walk tomorrow
with sadness again
through the street of disappointment
my sadness I will drown
in a cup of sherry
when you talk to me...
relieve me, maria, relieve me
give me another kiss of sherry
I'll pay for it tomorrow
your laugh makes me laugh
your warmth gives me worth
give me another kiss of liqueur
when you talk to me...
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 02:39
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Dia Luna, Dia Pena
0 yorumDia Luna, Dia Pena
hoy dia luna dia pena
hoy me levanto sin razon
hoy me levanto y no quiero
hoy dia luna dia pena
hoy dia luna dia pena
hoy me levanto sin razon
hoy me levanto y no veo
por ahi cualquiera solucion
arriba la luna ohea...
hoy dia luna dia pena
hoy me levanto sin razon
hoy me levanto y no quiero
hoy dia luna dia muero
arriba la luna ohea...
Dia Luna, Dia Pena
today, moon day, day of sadness
today, I wake up without reason
today I wake up and I don't want to
today, moon day, sadness day
today, moon day,day of sadness
today I wake up without reason
today I wake up and I get nowhere
I see no other solution
rise up moon ohea...
today moon day, day of sadness
today I wake up without reason
today I wake up and I don't want to
today, moon day, "I die" day
rise up moon ohea...
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 02:36
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Welcome to Tijuana
0 yorumWelcome to Tijuana
Welcome to Tijuana
Welcome to Tijuana
Tequila, sexo y marihuana
Welcome to Tijuana
Con el coyote no hay aduana
Bienvenida a Tijuana
Bienvenida mi amor
De noche a la mañana
Bienvenido a Tijuana...
Bienvenida mi suerte
A mi me gusta el verte
Bienvenida a Tijuana
Bienvenida a Tijuana
Bienvenida mi amor
De noche a la mañana
Bienvenida mi amor
Bienvenida a Tijuana
Bienvenida tu pena
Bienvenida la cena
Sopita de camaró
Bienvenida a Tijuana
Bienvenida mi suerte
Bienvenida la muerte
Por la Panamericana
Welcome to Tijuana
Tekila, sexo y marihuana
Welcome to Tijuana
Con el coyote no hay aduana
Welcome to Tijuana
Welcome to Tijuana
Tequila, sex and marijuana
Welcome to Tijuana
With the smugglers there�s no customs
Welcome to Tijuana
Welcome my love
From night till morning
Welcome to Tjiuana
Welcome, my luck
I�m happy to see you
Welcome to Tjiuana
Welcome to Tjiuana
Welcome my love
From night till morning
Welcome, my love
Welcome to Tijuana
Welcome, your grief
Welcome supper
Sopita of Camaron
Welcome to Tijuana
Welcome, my luck
Welcome my death
By the Panamerican
Welcome to Tijuana
Tequila, sex and marijuana
Welcome to Tijuana
With the coyotes there is no customs
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 02:29
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Por el suelo
0 yorumPor el suelo
Por el suelo hay une compadrita
Que ya nadie se para a mirar
Por el suelo hay una mamacita
Que se muere de no respetar
Pachamama te veo tan triste
Pachamama me pongo a llorar
Esperando la ultima ola
Cuidate no te vayas a mojar
Esperando la ultima rola
Mamacita te invito a bailar
Por el suelo camina mi pueblo
Por el suelo hay un agujero
Por el suelo camina la raza
Mamacita te vamos a matar
Esperando la ultima ola
Pachamama me muero de pena
Escuchando la ultima rola
Mamacita te invito a bailar
Por el suelo camina mi pueblo
Por el suelo moliendo condena
Por el suelo el infierno quema
Por el suelo la raza va cienga
Esperando la ultima ola
Pachamama me muero de pena
Escuchando la ultima rola
Mamacita te invito a bailar
On the ground
dirt cheap, here�s a female companion
that nobody bothers to see
dirt cheap, here�s a mamacita
whos dying, she has no respect
Pachamama, I see you so sad
Pachamama, I�m going to cry
Waiting for the last wave
be careful if you want to stay dry
Waiting for the last wave
mamacita, dance with me
dirt cheap, walks my town
dirt cheap, they are digging holes
dirt cheap, the race is walking
mamacita, they�re going to kill you
Waiting for the last wave
Pachamama, I�m dying of sorrow
Waiting for the last wave
mamacita, dance with me
dirt cheap, walks my town
dirt cheap, grinding the final sentance
dirt cheap, hells fires are burning
dirt cheap, the whole race is blind
Waiting for the last wave
Pachamama, I�m dying of sorrow
Waiting for the last wave
mamacita, dance with me
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 02:26
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Luna Y Sol
0 yorumLuna Y Sol
todo es mentira en este mundo
todo es mentira la verdad
todo es mentira yo me digo
todo es mentira
¿por que sera?
esperando la ultima ola
esperando la ultima rola
arriba la luna ohea
mentira lo que dice
mentira lo que va
mentira lo que cuece
bajo la oscuridad
arriba la luna ohea
todo es mentira en este mundo
todo es mentira la verdad
todo es mentira yo me digo
todo es mentira
¿por que sera?
mentira la mentira
mentira la verdad
mentira lo que cuece
bajo la oscuridad
buscando un ideal
buscando un ideal
¿cuando sera?
¿cuando sera?
¿por donde saldra el sol?
Moon and Sun ( Ay ve Güneş )
Everthing's a lie in this world
The truth is, everything's a lie
Everything's a lie, I tell myself
Everything's a lie
Why would that be?
Waiting for the last wave
Waiting for the last wave
There goes the moon
A lie what is said
A lie what goes on
A lie what is cooking
In the darkness
There goes the moon
Everything's a lie in this world
Everything's a lie, the truth
Everything's a lie and I tell myself
Is everything a lie?
Why would that be?
The lie is a lie
The truth is a lie
A lie that's cooking
In the darkness
Looking for an ideal
Looking for an ideal
When will it be?
When will it be?
When will the sun rise?
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 02:19
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Mama Call
0 yorumMama Call
can't you hear me mama call
can't you hear me crawling
can't you hear me mama call
can't you hear me trying
can't you hear me when i call
i'm a long way from sight
tonight tonight
it's a long long night
tonight tonight
it's a long long night
can't you see me baby fly
can't you see me falling
can't you hear me when i call
can't you see me fall
can't you hear me mama call
can't you hear me mama call
tonight tonight
it's a long long night
tonight tonight
it's a long long night
can't you hear me mama call
can't you hear me crawling
can't you hear me when i call
can't you see me fall
can't you hear me mama call
can't you hear me mama call
can't you hear me mama call
me hielo en la habitacion
no tengo calefaccion
can't get no satisfaction
so me bajo pa la calle
it's a long long night
can't you hear me mama call
can't you hear me crawling
can't you hear me call
can't you hear me falling
can't you hear me fall
i'm a long way from home...
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 02:08
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Lagrimas de Oro
0 yorumLagrimas de Oro
Tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
que el mundo sea tan feo
tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
de tanto tiroteo
vas por la calle llorando
lagrimas de oro
vas por la calle brotando
lagrimas de oro
Tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
de tanto cachondeo
tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
vamonos de jaleo
ahi por la calle llorando
lagrimas de oro
ahi por la calle brotando
lagrimas de oro
llego el cancodrilo y super chango
y toda la vaina de maracaibo
en este mundo hay mucha confusion
suenan los tambores de la rebelion
suena mi pueblo suena la razon
suena el guaguancon
baila mi mama
suenan los tambores de la rebelion
suena mi pueblo suena la razon
lagrimas de oro
suena mi pueblo suena la razon
suena el guaguancon
tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
lagrimas de oro...
Lagrimas de Oro
It really isn't your fault my love
That the world is so unfair
It really isn't your fault my love
of the shooting everywhere
walk the street weeping
teardrops of gold
You walk the street dropping
teardrops of gold
It really isn't your fault my love
of all this taunting
It really isn't your fault my love
we are always fighting
Here on the street weeping
teardrops of gold
Here on the street dropping
teardrops of gold
the crocodile and the super kid have come
and all the trash from Maracaibo
In this world there's much confusion
Sound the rebellion drums
Sound of my people, sound of reason
Sound of the music
Dance my mother
Sound the rebellion drums
Sound of my people, sound of reason
teardrops of gold
Sound of my people, sound of reason
Sound of the bus that's leaving...
It really isn't your fault my love
teardrops of gold
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 01:52
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Mentira
0 yorumMentira
mentira lo que dice
mentira lo que da
mentira lo que hace
mentira lo que va
(la mentira�.)
mentira la mentira
mentira la verdad
mentira lo que cuece
bajo la oscuridad
(mentira, mentira, la mentira�)
mentira el amor
mentira el sabor
mentira la que manda
mentira comanda
(mentira, mentira, la mentira�)
mentira la tristeza
cuando empieza
mentira no se va
(mentira, mentira, la mentira�)
mentira no se borra
mentira no se olvida
mentira, la mentira
mentira cuando llega
mentira nunca se va
mentira la mentira
mentira la verdad...
todo es mentira en este mundo
todo es mentira la verdad
todo es mentira yo me digo
todo es mentira ¿por que sera?
Mentira (Lie)
what is said is a lie
what is given is a lie
what is done is a lie
what goes is a lie
(the lie....)
a lie is a lie
the truth is a lie
what cooks below
the darkness is a lie
love is a lie
flavor is a lie
what is sent is a lie
the command is a lie
(lie, lie, the lie....)
the sadness is a lie
when the lie begins
it doesn't leave
(lie, lie, the lie....)
the lie doesn't fade
the lie isn't forgotten
(lie, the lie....)
when the lie arrives
it doesn't leave
the lie is a lie
the truth is a lie
everything is this world is a lie
everything is a lie, that's true
I tell myself that everything is a lie
everything is a lie, why will it be?
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 01:49
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Je ne t'aime plus
0 yorumJe ne t'aime plus
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tous les jours
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tous les jours
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tous les jours
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tous les jours
parfois j'aimerais mourir tellement j'ai voulu croire
parfois j'aimerais mourir pour ne plus rien avoir
parfois j'aimerais mourir pour plus jamais te voir
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tous les jours
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tous les jours
parfois j'aimerais mourir tellement y a plus d'espoir
parfois j'aimerais mourir pour plus jamais te revoir
parfois j'aimerais mourir pour ne plus rien savoir
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tous les jours
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tous les jours
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus tous les jours
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
je ne t'aime plus mon amour
İngilizce çevirisi
I do not love you any more my love
i dont love you anymore everyday
I do not love you any more my love
i dont love you anymore everyday
I do not love you any more my love
i dont love you anymore everyday
sometimes I'd like to die because I wanted so much to believe
sometimes I'd like to die, in order not to have anything anymore
sometimes I'd like to die, so that I don't have to see you anymore
I do not love you any more my love
i dont love you anymore everyday
I do not love you any more my love
i dont love you anymore everyday
sometimes I'd like to die, because there is so little hope left
sometimes I'd like to die, so that I never have to see you again
sometimes I'd like to die in order to know nothing more
I do not love you any more my love
i dont love you anymore everyday
I do not love you any more my love
i dont love you anymore everyday
I do not love you any more my love
i dont love you anymore everyday
I do not love you any more my love
I do not love you any more my love
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 01:45
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Bongo Bong
0 yorumBongo Bong
Mama was queen of the mambo
Papa was king of the Congo
Deep down in the jungle
I start bangin' my first bongo
Every monkey'd like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause I'm the king of bongo, baby
I'm the king of bongo bong
I went to the big town
Where there is a lot of sound
From the jungle to the city
Looking for a bigger crown
So I play my boogie
For the people of big city
But they don't go crazy
When I'm bangin' in my boogie
I'm the (king of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
Hear me when I come baby
(King of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
Nobody'd like to be in my place instead of me
Cause nobody go crazy when I'm bangin' on my boogie
I'm a king without a crown hanging loose in a big town
But I'm the king of bongo baby I'm the king of bongo bong
(King of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
Hear me when I come, baby,
(king of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
They say that I'm a clown
Making too much dirty sound
They say there is no place for little monkey in this town
Nobody'd like to be in my place instead of me
Cause nobody go crazy when I'm bangin' on my boogie
I'm the (king of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
Hear me when I come, baby
(King of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
Hear me when I come
Bangin' on my bongo all that swing belongs to me
I'm so happy there's nobody in my place instead of me
I'm a king without a crown hanging loose in a big town
I'm the king of bongo baby I'm the king of bongo bong
(King of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
Hear me when I come, baby
(king of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 01:42
Etiketler: clandestino
Clandestino - Desaparecido
0 yorumDesaparecido
Me llaman el desaparecido
Cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido
Cuando me buscan nunca estoy
Cuando me encuentran yo no soy
El que está enfrente porque ya
Me fui corriendo más allá
Me dicen el desaparecido
Fantasma que nunca está
Me dicen el desagradecido
Pero esa no es la verdad
Yo llevo en el cuerpo un dolor
Que no me deja respirar
Llevo en el cuerpo una condena
Que siempre me echa a caminar
Me dicen el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido
Me dicen el desaparecido
Fantasma que nunca está
Me dicen el desagradecido
Pero esa no es la verdad
Yo llevo en el cuerpo un motor
Que nunca deja de rolar
llevo en el alma un camino
Destinado a nunca llegar
Cuando me buscan nunca estoy
Cuando me encuentran yo no soy
El que esta enfrente por que ya
me fui corriendo mas alla
Me dicen el desaparecido
Cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido
Perdido en el siglo...
Perdido en el siglo�
siglo XX...
rumbo al XXI�
They call me the disappearer
when they come I've already gone,
Flying I come, flying I go
Quickly, quickly on a lost course
When they hunt me I'm not there
When they find me, I�m someone else
The one that�s always just ahead,
because I've already moved on
They call me the disappearer
The phantom whos never there
They call me the ungrateful,
But that's not the way it is
I carry on me a pain and sorrow,
that doesn't let me breathe,
I carry on me a final sentence,
That�s always pushing me along
They call me the disappearer
when they come I've already gone,
Flying I come, flying I go
Quickly, quickly on a lost course
They call me the disappearer
The phantom whos never there
They call me the ungrateful,
But that's not the way it is
I carry in my body a motor
that's always running and alive
I carry in my soul a destination,
but I never will arrive
When they hunt me, I'm not there
When they find me, I�m someone else
The one that�s always just ahead,
because I've already moved on
They call me the disappearing one
When they come I've already gone,
Flying I come, flying I go
Quickly, quickly on a lost course
Lost in the century,
the 20th century,
Heading for the 21st
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 01:18
Etiketler: clandestino
Manu Chao - Clandestino
0 yorum
1. "Clandestino" (clandestined) – 2:28
2. "Desaparecido" (disappeared/missing) – 3:47
3. "Bongo Bong" – 2:38
4. "Je Ne T'Aime Plus" (I no longer love you) – 2:03
5. "Mentira ..." (lies) – 4:37
6. "Lagrimas De Oro" (golden tears) – 2:58
7. "Mama Call" – 2:21
8. "Luna Y Sol" (moon and sun) – 3:07
9. "Por El Suelo" (on the ground) – 2:21
10. "Welcome To Tijuana" – 4:04
11. "Dia Luna ... Dia Pena" (day moon, day pain) – 1:30
12. "Malegria" (portmanteau of Mal and Alegria (joy)) – 2:55
13. "La Vie A 2" (life as a couple) – 3:01
14. "Minha Galera" – 2:22
15. "La Despedida" (the good-bye) – 3:10
16. "El Viento" (the wind) – 2:26
If you want them just write a comment including your mail adress...
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 01:17
Etiketler: Manu Chao-Clandestino
Clandestino - Clandestino
0 yorumSola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Para burlar la ley
Perdido en el corazn
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Por no llevar papel
Pa' una ciudad del norte
Yo me fui a trabajar
Mi vida la dej
Entre Ceuta y Gibraltar
Soy una raya en el mar
Fantasma en la ciudad
Mi vida va prohibida
Dice la autoridad
Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Por no llevar papel
Perdido en el corazn
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Yo soy el quiebra ley
Mano Negra clandestina
Peruano clandestino
Africano clandestino
Marijuana illegal
Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Para burlar la ley
Perdido en el corazn
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Por no llevar papel
Argelino, Clandestino!
Nigeriano, Clandestino!
Boliviano, Clandestino!
Mano Negra, Ilegal!
Gönderen Dünya Müziği Blog zaman: 00:46
Etiketler: clandestino