Clandestino - Lagrimas de Oro

Lagrimas de Oro

Tu no tienes la culpa mi amor

que el mundo sea tan feo
tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
de tanto tiroteo

vas por la calle llorando
lagrimas de oro
vas por la calle brotando
lagrimas de oro

Tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
de tanto cachondeo
tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
vamonos de jaleo

ahi por la calle llorando
lagrimas de oro
ahi por la calle brotando
lagrimas de oro

llego el cancodrilo y super chango
y toda la vaina de maracaibo
en este mundo hay mucha confusion
suenan los tambores de la rebelion

suena mi pueblo suena la razon
suena el guaguancon
baila mi mama
suenan los tambores de la rebelion

suena mi pueblo suena la razon
lagrimas de oro
suena mi pueblo suena la razon
suena el guaguancon

tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
lagrimas de oro...

Lagrimas de Oro

It really isn't your fault my love
That the world is so unfair
It really isn't your fault my love
of the shooting everywhere

walk the street weeping
teardrops of gold
You walk the street dropping
teardrops of gold

It really isn't your fault my love
of all this taunting
It really isn't your fault my love
we are always fighting

Here on the street weeping
teardrops of gold
Here on the street dropping
teardrops of gold

the crocodile and the super kid have come
and all the trash from Maracaibo
In this world there's much confusion

Sound the rebellion drums
Sound of my people, sound of reason
Sound of the music
Dance my mother

Sound the rebellion drums
Sound of my people, sound of reason
teardrops of gold

Sound of my people, sound of reason
Sound of the bus that's leaving...

It really isn't your fault my love
teardrops of gold

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